Women and men of the Group

Women and men of the Group

Vignal CSR women and men group

A commitment to women and men 

"The women and men of the group are passionate, driven by the desire to undertake. They are the major asset of Vignal!

We are building the future of Vignal together. This is why the "human and ethical" pillar is at the heart of our CSR strategy.

We listen to our employees. We ensure a safe living environment and we offer the same opportunities to women and men."


Nathalie Lachaud – Director of Human Resources

Muscle training - Vignal Group - an initiative that gets you moving!

Muscle training - Vignal Group - an initiative that gets you moving!

Share a corporate project

  • 100% of the staff is aware of the corporate project.
  • sustainable growth policy, a guarantee of long-term employment.
  • ambitious policy on health, safety and working conditions.
  • sharing our CSR policy with our stakeholders.

Respecting the Group's ethics 

  • a Group Code of Ethics, the basis of our values.
  • membership of Drive Sustainability and the United Nations Global Compact.
  • policy of attention to professional equality between women and men.
  • managing crises in an ethical and responsible manner.

Here are the results of the 2023 professional gender equality index of our French companies: Vignal Systems, Vignal ABL, Vignal Sesaly and Vignal SARR.